Spring is the perfect time to rejuvenate your body and mind with yoga poses that help alleviate fatigue, promote relaxation, and expend excess energy.
1、Half Moon Pose
Instructions: Start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Turn your right foot to the right side, bend your right knee, and extend your body to the right side, placing your right hand about 30 centimeters outside your right foot. Lift your left leg off the ground and extend it parallel to the ground. Extend your right knee, open your left arm toward the ceiling, and look up at the ceiling.
Benefits: Improves balance and coordination, strengthens focus, enhances leg strength, and stretches the chest.
Breathing: Maintain natural and smooth breathing throughout.
Key Points: Keep both arms in a straight line perpendicular to the ground, and ensure your body remains in the same plane, with the upper leg parallel to the ground.
Repetitions: 5-10 breaths per side.

2、Half Triangle Twist Pose
Instructions: Begin in a standing position with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Hinge at the hips, place your hands on the ground, and straighten your spine. Place your left hand directly below your chest, and extend your right arm parallel to the ground. Exhale as you twist your right shoulder towards the ceiling and turn your head to look at the ceiling.
Benefits: Enhances spine flexibility, stretches the lower back and leg muscles.
Breathing: Inhale as you lengthen your spine, and exhale as you twist.
Key Points: Keep the pelvis centered, and point your toes forward or slightly inward.
Repetitions: 5-10 breaths per side.

3、Side Angle Twist Pose
Instructions: Start in a kneeling position with your hands placed forward on the ground. Step your left foot forward, extend your right leg backward with the toes curled under, and sink your hips down. Inhale as you extend your right arm up to the sky, and exhale as you twist your spine to the left. Bring your right armpit to the outer left knee, press your palms together, and extend your arms forward. Straighten your left knee, and stabilize the posture while twisting your neck to look at the ceiling.
Benefits: Strengthens the muscles on both sides of the torso, back, and legs, relieves back discomfort, and massages the abdomen.
Breathing: Inhale as you extend your spine, and exhale as you twist.
Key Points: Sink the hips as low as possible.
Repetitions: 5-10 breaths per side.

4、Seated Forward Bend (Caution for Lumbar Disc Disease Patients)
Instructions: Start in a seated position with your right leg extended forward and your left knee bent. Open your left hip, place the sole of your left foot against the inner right thigh, and hook your right toes back. If needed, use your hands to pull the right foot closer towards you. Inhale as you open your arms up, and exhale as you fold forward, keeping your back straight. Grab hold of your right foot with your hands. Inhale to lengthen your spine, and exhale to deepen the forward fold, bringing your belly, chest, and forehead towards your right thigh.
Benefits: Stretches the hamstrings and back muscles, improves hip flexibility, enhances digestion, and promotes spinal blood circulation.
Breathing: Inhale to lengthen the spine, and exhale to fold forward.
Key Points: Keep the back straight throughout the pose.
Repetitions: 5-10 breaths.

5、Supported Fish Pose
Instructions: Start in a seated position with both legs extended forward. Place a yoga block under your thoracic spine, allowing your head to rest on the ground. If your neck feels uncomfortable, you can place another yoga block under your head. Bring your arms overhead and clasp your hands together, or bend your elbows and hold onto opposite elbows for a deeper stretch.
Benefits: Opens up the chest and neck, strengthens the shoulders and back muscles, and relieves tension.
Breathing: Inhale to lengthen the spine, and exhale to deepen the backbend.
Key Points: Keep the hips grounded, and relax the chest and shoulders.
Repetitions: 10-20 breaths.

Spring is the perfect time to engage in stretching exercises that awaken the body and promote relaxation. Stretching yoga poses not only provide stretching and massage benefits but also help to rejuvenate and revitalize the body and mind.
Post time: Apr-26-2024