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Exploring How Yoga Poses Transform Your Physical and Mental Well-being

### Reclined Big Toe Pose


In the Supine Big Toe Pose, lie flat on the ground, lift one leg upwards, extend your arms, and grab your big toe, keeping the body relaxed.



1. Stretches leg and back muscles, enhancing flexibility.
2. Relieves lower back and hip tension, easing lumbar pressure.
3. Promotes blood circulation, reducing leg fatigue.
4. Improves body balance and coordination.

### Reclining Hero Pose / Saddle Pose


In the reclining hero/saddle pose, sit on the ground with your knees bent, placing both feet on either side of your hips. Slowly lean your body backward until you lie on the ground.

### Revolved Head to Knee Pose


In the head-to-knee pose, with one leg straight and the other bent, bring the sole of your foot close to your inner thigh. Turn your upper body in the direction of your straight legs and stretch as far forward as you can, holding onto your toes or calves with both hands.



1. Stretch the legs, spine and side waist to increase flexibility.

2. Strengthen the muscles in the abdomen and side of the spine to improve body balance.

3. Stimulate abdominal organs and promote digestive function.

4. Relieve back and waist tension and relieve stress.

### Reverse Warrior Pose


In the anti-warrior pose, one foot is stepped forward, the knee bent, the other leg straight back, the arms straight up, the palms extended back, and the body is tilted to maintain balance.



1. Expand your sides, chest, and shoulders to promote breathing.

2. Strengthen your legs, hips, and core.

3. Improve balance and coordination.

4. Increase lumbar flexibility and relieve lumbar pressure.

Warrior 1 Pose


In Warrior 1 pose, stand upright with one leg out in front of you, knee bent, other leg straight back, arms straight up, palms facing each other, body straight.


1. Strengthen your legs, hips and core.

2. Improve body balance and stability.

3. Improve spinal flexibility and prevent lumbar and back injuries.

4. Improves self-confidence and inner peace.

### Revolved Triangle Pose


In the rotating triangle pose, one foot is stepped forward, the other leg is straight back, the body is tilted forward, the arm is straight up, and then slowly rotate the body, reaching one arm to the tip of the foot and the other arm to the sky.


1. Extend thighs, iliopsoas muscles and side waist to increase body flexibility.

2. Strengthen your legs, hips, and core.

3. Improve spinal flexibility, improve posture and posture.

4. Stimulate digestive organs and promote digestive function.

### Seated Forward Bend


In the seated forward bend, sit on the ground with your legs straight in front of you and your toes pointing up. Lean forward slowly, touching your toes or calves to keep your balance.

Post time: May-31-2024