In the extended side angle pose, one foot is stepped to one side, the knee is bent, the body is tilted, one arm is extended upwards, and the other arm is extended forward along the inner side of the front leg.
1. Extend the waist and side to enhance the flexibility of the groin and inner thighs.
2. Strengthen the thighs, buttocks, and core muscle groups.
3. Expand the chest and shoulders to promote breathing.
4. Improve balance and body stability.
Triangle Pose
In trigonometry, one foot is stepped out to one side, the knee remains straight, the body tilts, one arm is extended downwards against the outside of the front leg, and the other arm is extended upwards.
1. Expand the side waist and groin to enhance body flexibility.
2. Strengthen the thighs, buttocks, and core muscle groups.
3. Expand the chest and shoulders to promote breathing and lung capacity.
4. Improve body posture and posture
Fish Pose
In fish pose, the body is lying flat on the ground, hands are placed under the body, and palms are facing downwards. Slowly lift the chest upwards, causing the back to protrude and the head to look back.
1. Expand the chest and open the heart area.
2. Extend the neck to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders.
3. Stimulate the thyroid and adrenal glands, balance the endocrine system.
4. Relieve stress and anxiety, promote mental peace.
Forearm Balance
In forearm balance, lie flat on the ground, bend your elbows, place your arms on the ground, lift your body off the ground, and maintain balance.
1. Increase the strength of the arms, shoulders, and core muscles.
2. Enhance balance and body coordination abilities.
3. Improve concentration and inner peace.
4. Improve the circulatory system and promote blood flow.
Forearm Plank
In forearm planks, the body is lying flat on the ground, elbows bent, arms on the ground, and the body remains in a straight line. The forearms and toes support the weight.

1. Strengthen the core muscle group, especially the rectus abdominis.
2. Improve body stability and balance ability.
3. Enhance the strength of the arms, shoulders, and back.
4. Improve posture and posture.
Four-Limbed Staff Pose
In the four legged pose, the body lies flat on the ground, with arms extended to support the body, toes extended backwards with force, and the entire body suspended on the ground, parallel to the ground.
1. Strengthen the arms, shoulders, back, and core muscle groups.
2. Improve body stability and balance ability.
3. Enhance the strength of the waist and buttocks.
4. Improve body posture and posture.

Gate Pose
In door style, one leg is extended to one side, the other leg is bent, the body is tilted to the side, one arm is extended upwards, and the other arm is extended to the side of the body.
1. Enhance the leg, buttocks, and lateral abdominal muscle groups.
2. Expand the spine and chest to promote breathing
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Post time: May-17-2024